
In Your kingdom

Text: Paul Biktor Börjesson, Derek Walles Musik: Paul Biktor Börjesson

© 2023 David Songs (Admin av David Media AB)

Låttext (lyrics)

1. Already but not yet. We lose then we get.
The hights reach to the depths in Your kingdom.
The blind begins to see. We face reality.
Yes, the truth will set us free in Your kingdom.

2. There´s sharing of our bread. Can no longer turn our head.
And what´s lost rises from the dead in Your kingdom.
You bless what others curse. The last will be the first.
Now all creation thirsts for Your kingdom.

In Your kingdom a broken reed won´t break.
In Your kingdom a smoking wick won´t fade.
In Your kingdom we see a fathers face.
We´re falling into grace in Your kingdom.

3. Yes, the first will be the last. There´ll be no stones to cast.
´Cause grace surrounds the past in Your kingdom.
No man knows the size. But one has paid the price.
And in His wounded hands lies all the kingdom.

In Your kingdom a broken reed won´t break.
In Your kingdom a smoking wick won´t fade.
In Your kingdom we see a fathers face.
We´re falling into grace in Your kingdom.

My tongue was formed for these words.
My lips were shaped for these words.
My heart was made for these words.
My life was meant for these words.

Let your will be done and your kingdom come, Your kingdom.
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