
You belong to me

Text: AnnaMaria Bergqvist Musik: AnnaMaria/Lars Ekberg

© 2014 David Songs (Admin av David Media AB)


Låttext (lyrics)

People all around me, walking two by two,
and they seem so happy every step of their way.
And here I am, all alone and it feels like, no one in this world knows my name.

But in my darkest and loneliest times, I can hear a voice whispering in my ear:

You belong to me, you belong to me.
Even if no one knows your name, you belong to me.
You belong to me, you belong to me.
In your darkest times I am there.

Someone said that no man is an Island,
no one should live on their own.
But when I´m coming home from work and close the door to my apartment.
I feel like I´m an island drifting away.

But in my darkest and loneliest times,I can hear a voice whispering in my ear:

You belong to me...

The only thing that matters,
when I stand before the throne,
is that I gave my heart to You, Lord.
And I know what I decided, many years ago.
And I will give that promise to You again.

I belong to You, I belong to You,
even if no one knows my name I belong to You.
I belong to You, I belong to You,
in my darkest times.

I belong to You, I belong to You,
You’re the name above all names
and I belong to You.
I belong to You, Jesus, I belong to You.
In my darkest times You are there.
In my darkest times You are there.
In my darkest times You are there.
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